Strengths of Our Chapter

Being a member of the Blue Knights ® is about honour.  We honour those who served, and who are serving.  Some of the current shared values of our chapter are: Honesty, Integrity, Ethics, and Morality.  We are a brother/sisterhood sharing a sense of spirituality and respect for those who served, or who are still serving.  We try to help each other, and others less fortunate than ourselves.

We understand that the Blue Knights ® is like any other organization.  We require new members for the organization to grow and continue to exist.  New members will, in time, have an opportunity to lead our chapter.  If desired, there is also an opportunity to fill positions at the Regional level.  There are also limited positions internationally.

We love to ride and enjoy the road together, having a common bond of being involved in Law Enforcement.  One of the most important components in our chapter is that we endeavor to ride safely.

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